Badminton Backhand

Badminton Backhand

The first thing you will want to learn in the mechanics of your badminton backhand is how to grip your racket. The best grip on your racket for an over the head backhand will be to have the flesh of your thumb on a bevel that allows the racket to face squarely at the shuttle. As for your racket position, the primary goal is to hit the shuttle before it passes your body completely. The racket in your hand should be pointing in the upward position and the hand you hold the racket in should be close to the opposite shoulder. At this point your upper body will be rotated away from the oncoming shuttle.

Now you have the grip and the position down you want to focus on the mechanics of the badminton overhead backhand stroke. The actual stroke in this swing will consist of your hip, shoulder and elbow working together to connect the racket with the shuttle. The stroke ends with a powerful twist of the forearm to the point of the racket squarely meeting the shuttle in mid air with your racket arm fully extended.

Incredible Forehand Grip Backhand Shots

Tilt to backhand side overhead drive

This move is very useful for answering quick drives to your backhand side, and the aim is to use even more velocity to overcome the velocity of your opponent's shot. The characteristics of this stroke is that it's fast, powerful, and flies straight at the opponent's chest, making this move an effective counter to fast drives to the high backhand side.

Tilt to backhand side overhead smash block

This stroke is to use to return relatively flat smashes to the backhand side. The characteristics of this block are that it can react very quickly and the power of the return shot can be adjusted. It's possible to clear to the opponent's backcourt or drop it into an empty corner, so this stroke can be used to turn the tides and start a counterattack.

Behind the back, between the legs smash block

The situation for using this stroke is that the opponent's smash is close to your body but your racket is not in front of you. In this situation you can put your racket behind your back and between your legs in an attempt to block the smash.

Behind the back waist position smash block

Another "trick shot" that's seen in world class competitions, this stroke involves putting your arm behind the back so that the racket head is on the waist of your backhand side. One of the most famous practitioners of this move is famous Indonesian player Taufik Hidayat, and bellows are some videos of him using this amazing skill.

Near-net forehand diagonal drop on the backhand side

The signature move of famous Danish player Peter Gades, the net shot involves using a forehand stroke to return a drop shot to the backhand side. Instead of returning the shot with the backhand, you let the shuttle fall a little further and then swing backwards with a forehand stroke, thereby dropping the bird to the other corner.

Turned-around baseline underhand drive

When the opponent clears to your backhand baseline corner, there will be times when you won't be able to reach the optimum position for hitting the return clear. Instead of trying to hit the backhand clear, you take one more step towards the bird so that your back is facing the net. At that moment you can use a hard, underhand forehand swing to drive the shuttle back towards your opponent and catch them off guard.

Turned-around baseline underhand cross-court drop

Similar to the above technique, the only difference is that this stroke will attempt to drop the shuttle in the diagonally opposite corner near the net.

Baseline backwards between the legs drive

The final trick shot technique in this article, this stroke is used when the shuttle is falling from high path towards the baseline. With your back turned towards the net, you run towards the shuttle and let it fall to your knees and then use a forehand stroke the drive the shuttle backwards through your legs and towards the opponent's court.

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