Scorecard for Basic Education
DepEd Memorandum 145 s 2009
1. Enclose is the scorecard for Basic Education adopted by the Presidential Task Force on Education (PRFE). The recommendations of the PTFE have been approved by the President and that directed the conduct of activities per implementation plan with specific timetable.
2. All concerned offices are hereby required to submit regular progress reports or accomplishment of the targets.
4. Immediate and wide dissemination of this Memorandum (Memo 145 s 2009) is desired.

1. Enclose is the scorecard for Basic Education adopted by the Presidential Task Force on Education (PRFE). The recommendations of the PTFE have been approved by the President and that directed the conduct of activities per implementation plan with specific timetable.
2. All concerned offices are hereby required to submit regular progress reports or accomplishment of the targets.
4. Immediate and wide dissemination of this Memorandum (Memo 145 s 2009) is desired.
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