A Mother's Day tribute

I usually hate all mushy, gushy stuff. Lovey dovey, Hallmark-style poems make me cringe, maybe because of the artificial-ness (is there such a word?) of it all. Lilian says I'm a cynic.

But today, I'm going to be somewhat sentimental and say that since I started my blog almost nine months ago, one of the best things that has emerged from it is my encounter with so many terrific mums. I've been pleasantly surprised, to say the least. So since it's Mother's Day, it's only fitting that I acknowledge all these women who have come to be such a big part of my life and my parenting adventure, on a daily basis.

First, the witty, intelligent blogging mums - Lilian (mwah! special virtual kiss for you, you're the one who opened up this avenue for me), Adeline, Cindy, Eunice, Ann, Mei, Hsien. Thanks also for introducing me to Sarah and Ailei who are utterly delightful.

Next, the mums whom I've never met face-to-face but who have given me a glimpse of their uniquely wonderful personalities through their comments - QX, Chris, LL, Veronica, Jo, Elan, Daphne, S, TJMummy, YY, Penny, DG, Veena, Justpassingby. I really hope I didn't miss out anyone - if I did, please let me know!

Finally, all the mums who quietly read my blog but are perhaps too shy to comment.

I truly am very grateful for all the support and encouraging words. You don't know how much your continued readership spurs me to keep writing, especially during those times when I'm feeling lazy or uninspired. So in appreciation on this special day, I wrote a little tribute for all you mums, not quite Hallmark style but from the heart nonetheless!

There are different types of mums
Type A and Type B
But one thing we all share
Is the fear of PSLE

Plant cycles I don't get
Compo makes me fret
Chinese I'd rather forget
Math gives me cold sweat

Our concerns are many
Answers are sometimes few
There should be a mother's manual
Telling us what to do

"What school should I choose?"
"How do I improve her score?"
"Should I send him for tuition?"
"I can't take it any more!!"

You read on my blog
"Please don't love money!"
"Marathon not sprint!"
"You shouldn't be a key!"

Truth is, I'm just another mum
We all learn along the way
Thanks for journeying with me
PS Happy Mothers' Day!

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