Emblem and Mascot Design Competition
DepEd Advisory No.176 S2009
Emblem and Mascot Design Competition
The 2014 Incheon Asian Games Organizing Committee will hold the Emblem and Mascot Design Competition in Incheon, Republi of Korea. The 2014 Incheon's dream and determination of hosting a successful games. The ideal design should have a style with an international trend that communicates with the world.
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Emblem and Mascot Design Competition
The 2014 Incheon Asian Games Organizing Committee will hold the Emblem and Mascot Design Competition in Incheon, Republi of Korea. The 2014 Incheon's dream and determination of hosting a successful games. The ideal design should have a style with an international trend that communicates with the world.
For ore details pls click here.
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