Five year Plans

Stating from the first five year plan (1951-56) to the current 10th five year plan (2002-2007), Planning commission has come a long way in India.It is very important to know about the details of planned development in India as well as the details of each five year plan as each five year plan lays emphasis on a particular aspect.
Just checj your awareness about the five year plans and the planning in India:
1. Who is the Chairman of the Planning commission

a. President
b. prime Minister
c. Chair man of finance Commission
d. finance Minister



2. Which of the following bodies are associated with five year plans
1. Planning commission
2. Finance commission
3. Inter state council
4. National Development council

a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 1 and 4
d. 1 and 2



3. Which area got special emphasis in 2nd five year plan
a. Industry
b. Agriculture
c. Population control
d. Export



4. Which five year plan for the first time laid emphasis on population control
a. 2nd
b. 3rd
c. 4th
d. 6th



5. During which five year plan ther was a steep rise in prices and decline inagricultural production
a. 3rd
b. 4th
c. 5th
d. 6th



6. Which five year plan was ended one year earlier i.e, it ran for 4 years only
a. 4th
b. 5th
c. 6th
d. 7th



7. Which is the highest decision and poicy making body in in respect of Planning in India
a. Planning commission
b. Inter state Council
c. Zonal council
d. Natioal Development council



8. Which five year plan was started 2 year later than its schedule
a. 7th
b. 8th
c. 9th
d. 10th



9. When was Planning commission set up in India
a. 1949
b. 1950
c. 1951
d. 1952



10. What is the time frame of 10th five year plan
a. 2002-2007
b. 2003-2008
c. 2004-2009
d. 2005-2010


source: internet

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