Badminton-Sports And Physical Education

Posted on 6 September, 2011

Badminton-Sports and Physical Education


All most people know about the sport of Badminton, is that we played it in school, for physical education.? However, this sport is so much more and it is recognized worldwide.? The fact that Badminton is similar to the sport of Tennis makes it easy to understand, especially if you are a Tennis fan.? The game requires two opponents, who hit a ball with a racquet; which is similar to the tennis racquet, but with a thinner and smaller paddle.? The game is also played on a court, with a net.? However, the balls are not the same, in Badminton, there really is not a ball at all.? The Shuttlecock is what the opponents are trying to hit and it is a feathered like tool; which causes it move much lighter.

Unbelievably Badminton is an Olympic sport, but unless you know what to look for, most people do not observe it.? The game requires a lot of stamina, you move your whole body constantly; just like Tennis and the movement is almost aerobic, so you get a great workout.? The sport is well know in schools, during there gym time, because it is safe, most of the time and easy to learn.? However, it is still a very skilled game and should not be taken for granted.? Of course, it is not football, basketball, or even tennis, but it requires the same type of mind frame.? When playing the game; it can be highly competitive and end the end, you want to win.

There is not a lot of money in playing the game professionally, unless you make to the Olympic trials and then you can make money off sponsors.? Badminton is played mostly in Europe and is sponsored by the ?Badminton World Federation?.? The game is played recreationally in the U.S. and is considered a fun pass time, for children.? More adults should really learn the game, it is a fun way to stay fit and accomplish many health and fitness goals.? The game can be played on any Tennis court, so you do not have to look far, for places to play.? Equipment is available, in most sports shops and has not been known to be very costly.? There are different levels of racquets and different brands that will make the price vary, but just to get started; it will not cost you much at all.

If you are not sure of the rules and how to play, then search for instructions online, free.? You can also check with your local recreational centers to see if they have instructors that know how to play Badminton or even teams that you may be able to join.? Why not try it, it is not a new sport, but a fun one and it deserves the same recognition as any popular sport in the world today.? You will feel physically fit, increase your stamina, and have a good time doing it.? Badminton is also fun for kids, so spend some valuable family time, by learning to play as a family.?

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