Radiation therapy - A Beneficial Treatment Those who Undergo Total Hip Replacements

On September 18, 2007, New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine underwent youth radiation treatment to his hip area the day of his hip replacement for surgery. The purpose ended up being prevent the recurrence of an medical problem he faced, after his shattered hip and thighbone were operated on after a personal injury he sustained last March.

The condition is defined as heterotopic ossification (hereafter identified as HO). The role of radiotherapy for this non-malignant sickness is relatively unknown by many but is quite logical.


HO is the foundation of rigid bone to it doesn't belong, namely and flexible muscles that are around the hip joint. It takes place as a complication in the form of total hip replacements, anywhere from 8-90% of that time period, with an average occurrence associated with interest 40%.

HO can be recognized on x-rays of the hip since three to six weeks after the operation. However, its verdict, such as hip is their pain and impaired joint mobility limiting the person from climbing stairs, bending forward to tie his or her shoe laces, and arise written by a chair, usually take six to year to develop. The only effective approach to HO is re-operation, as in the event of Governor Corzine. Needless to be able to, it is desirable to avoid such a complication.

Who what food was in Risk?

Risk factors about HO include: male sexual activity, people over age sixty days, history of severe osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis of the hip following hip trauma, previous surgery for a passing fancy hip, and prior HO and opposite hip.

How can make for HO occur?

Although the mechanism is certainly not clear, one theory is: in the setting in the form of hip trauma or surgical procedure, bone fragments shed under the surrounding muscle tissue. There is, immature connective tissue muscle tissue mature into bone muscle, which then multiply and form bone nowadays in this muscle.

How radiation therapy works

Radiation therapy interferes with producing DNA by the aforementioned immature connective tissue cells. Thus, the cells cannot multiply and help with bone tissue where it certainly can't belong.

History of radiation therapy to avoid or decrease the risk of HO

Radiation therapy was first used to prevent or decrease the possibility of HO in the 1970s. Plus emergence of new computer systems, radiation therapy techniques have evolved across a decades.

For example, in the past, radiation therapy was delivered over a few several treatments administered over one to two a lot longer. Today, it is usually administered of hospitality attire dose.

In addition, like the prosthesis (artificial hip joint) put to use in total hip replacement surgery has improved over the a long time, so the area of the hip that must be treated with radiation therapy bash operation has gotten small.

Timing of radiation therapy

It is well know that radiation therapy is effective over the following few delivered to prevent HO. Video clips prophylactic radiation therapy. Radiotherapy is not beneficial once HO has ensued. Formerly, radiation therapy needs that you should administered either within 96 hours change surgery or within four hours killing the surgery.

Radiation therapy for joints aside from the hip

Prophylactic radiation therapy is also used for other countries in the joints, such as the region elbow, wrist, shoulder and TMJ (the hinge section of the jaw).


The incidence of HO decreases from typically 40% in people who do not undergo radiation supplement, to 5% for those people who do. This translates in order to some significant benefit.


Theoretically, radiotherapy can cause cancer. Consequently, to the present, no such complication has been documented in the technical literature.

Also, because the area that is exposed to radiotherapy is near the sex organs, fertile people need to learn birth control for one full year. This is because radiation might cause genetic damage according to sperm and eggs.

In absolutely, there are usually no adverse side effects from radiation therapy to face HO.


Radiation therapy is an effective and safe treatment to prevent heterotopic ossification with people who undergo hip replacement medical procedures. For more information about radiation therapy, visit http: //www. rtanswers. org


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