My Second Trip to Nikoi Island

 Date:  July 10, 2015

We booked to stay here again one year ago.  Yes, if you want to stay at Nikoi Island on the dates you want (especially school holidays), you better book earlier.  

This June holiday, we are here with 8 other families.  There are 18 adults and 16 kids.  A total of 34 people.

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Nikoi Island

Still very beautiful.

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White sands, shads of blues and green water.

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The weather was just lovely.

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This is the entire island.  It’s that small and is that fun!

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Jetty Jumps

The kids love Jetty Jumps.  All the need to do is pump up their guts and jump from the jetty.

As young as 6 years old, also jump.  But must hold hands.

Jay Jay jumped a few times and he gave up.  Because water kept going into his nose, he complaint.


Riandy’s running jump.


Brothers holding hand jump…  It takes a lot of guts to jump down from 1-2 meter high.  Funny that Lukas loves to jump the jetty, but he hates the roller coaster.


Those who cannot jump, feel sad lor...


Everybody comes up very happily.


Next day, more actions.


Some like flying in the sky...


It is up to your imaginations, what you want to be when you jump.  Like Conrad, this is probably the only time where he can do Bruce Lee kick in the air...

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Some spread out all 4 limbs… and jump...


Kids grew up in 1 day, second day, no need to hold hand liao...

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SP like standing on the water.

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On the third day, more guts more jumping… at the same time...

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All jumps...


Some finally build up the 110% confidence and bo-chap… jump after 2 days of thinking...


This is where kids have most fun!


Family jump..


The couple’s “You jump, I jump” must do….


Jay Jump!

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BBQ Marshmallows by The Bon Fire

Another thing that the kids love to do is sit by the bon fire and waiting for their BBQ marshmallows.

And there are always entertainment from the island that amaze the kids...

We have fireworks display on the first night.  This is a birthday present from the owner.  Happy birthday Conrad.

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A huge disappointment for the 2 photo enthusiasts, because it is full moon on June 2.  And guess where is the Milky way?  It is just below.

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The moon is so bright and it brightness covered the Milky way just below.

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And you are not going to see this too.  I superimpose the big moon onto the Nikoi sun set scene.

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Last year, when we were at Nikoi Island around the same time.  Boon Ching managed to capture this photo of the night sky stars.  And guess what?  That noisy noisy section on the right is the Milky way, and she does not even know it.  She thought it is light noise.  hahahaha Only when Chester pointed out to her how a Milky Way looks like, then, she knows.

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Sun sets.  At 7:15pm, when the sky turns dark, and if the weather permits, there will always be Bon Fire.  

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This is like camping.  Most of the kids will not see this until they joined boys or girls scouts.

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Everyone is just waiting for the fire to light up to the correct temperature for their marshmallows.

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The marshmallow on the skinny bamboo sticks are ready...

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The kids love it!

I took this photo using my iPhone 6, running Pro Camera app, and set to highest ISO and longest exposure with a steady hand placing the iPhone on top of my torch light.  I love it!

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Very 写意.  Kids love BBQ marshmallows.

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The Trail & Swampy Area

If you have a selfie stick, you can shoot video like this.  360 degrees by just moving the selfie stick around you.  Cool huh...

You can also do this.  Keep running to the right side of your wife’s camera (fast) while she taking the paranomic photo.

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On the first day, Yogi bring all of us on a trail walk.

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He and his assistant teaching the kids what to expect, what cannot eat, what can eat, etc.

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Very eco way of killing the mosquitos.

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Ants or termites nest.

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All of us walk the trails.

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Carpenter work shops.

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This is tamarin leaf.  Not sure what is tamarin.  But the red red colour part can be eaten.  And I ate it.  A bit sour sour like that.  Nice.

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You will see lots of his friends.  They are hunting the turtle eggs.

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They are spotted near the house (room #12) but don’t worry, they never go upstairs.

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At the moment, there are about 21 sites Turtle were spotted laying eggs.  All these sites are well protected.  Let’s hope we get to see the turtle hatching...

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You can walk the trails anytime.

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The trails is quite friendly to walk.

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You can take lots of photo.

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Happy Kid.

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During low tide, the water go away.  So, we can walk on the swampy area.

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Let’s get our feet wet.

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I really do mean it.  Let’s get our feet wet.  Really wet.


Let’s go deeper...

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It’s like a science expedition.  Let’s see what you can find.

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Ugly sea star?

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Kids will make a lot of noises… don’t care lah… just walk...


At least both my kids are happy.  They loves nature.

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Sea cucumbers.

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Can eat or not?

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Slugs from Slugterra?

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More sea stars.

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Our photographer friend busy taking lots of fantastic photos.

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To be a photographer, you need to be patient.  Chester caught all these and shoot the photo at night.

What a huge Hermit crab.

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Nice crab.

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Another type of crab.

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This guy got sucked in the rock.

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Is it seaweed or before it become shells...


Kids brought their wooden swords…  And dig here and there.


Picking sea shells.


Hermit crabs enclaves.


Guess what they are doing?

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They build a race track for the hermit crab to race.


See who’s hermit crab run the fastest.

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Cool they found Gekco in their room.

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Another hermit crab walking on the road...

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Chinese Mantis on the stick.

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As for me, I brought a long this.

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And I found a lot of creepy creatures inside...

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Luckily all dead.  hahaha  So, there are many insects flying around… hahahaha

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 Baby Sea Turtle Hatched And Swim Back to The Sea

Perhaps the most interesting thing during our trip to Nikoi Island is… We finally saw the turtle hatched and see them go back to the sea.

Watching all these small little tiny turtle crawling back to sea is an enjoyment.  

Pedro and Thomas kept reminding us not to move.

And we cannot help them too.  They need to learn how to get back to the sea themselves.

Life is so fragile.  84 of these sea turtles now embark new journey.  Some will die, some will survive.  Some will be eaten by the big fish, some will live to tell the tales.


Come on, little guy.  Find your way.  Back to the sea.

I am glad that we picked the correct date to come to Nikoi.  Out of 4 days, only the third day got turtle hatched.  

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This is where they were born.  Then, after they were hatched, they are put into this bucket.  All 84 of them.

It is a nice feeling to have the turtles walk on top of your feet..

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See the last few of them going into the sea.

Lucky us to see this great emotional event.


This is the hatched eggs.

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This egg did not make it… did not hatched.

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This is where Turtle comes into live.


Old Man Diving

There is a very nice pool (half salt water, half normal water).  The deepest is 3 meter.


Let’s dive.


May be two old man dive.  Trying very hard to impress those two young lady form New York standing on the right.  They dive, we dive.

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Most importantly we impressed our wives and kids.

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Yup… This sure impressed the kids… what can’t we do???  3 People Synchronised dive.


Enjoy the freak show!  hahahaha

 The Food

The food on Nikoi island is simple, organic, fresh and nice.

Here are the photos.

1st Lunch.  Mango Salad.

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Simple rice and steam veggies.

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The very delicious fantastic green curry seafood soup.  Nice!

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The dessert.

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Coconut with bamboo straws.

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Every one happy.  Underneath are all sands.. kids can play sands all day long even at meal time.

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1st Dinner.  Salad.

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Very nice lamb.

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Lots of fruits on the 2nd day breakfast.

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My lovely nasi lemak.

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Lot’s of cereals.

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Toasts break and butter.

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Kids have this for breakfast.

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Kids eat carbonara pasta at night.

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My main dish is this.  Nice… Fish.

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All of us are hungry.

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3rd day got kueh kueh.

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I love my mee goreng.

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My seafood platter.




My risotto at night.  Btw, you can ask them to cook something else if you don’t like any of the food.  But you must do it one meal before.

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Our Home on Nikoi - Room 11

This is where we stay.

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Sea view.  Every bungalow on the island got sea view.  And access to the beach.

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Lazy lying down.

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King size bed.

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The two day bed. 

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Whole room looks like this.  This time, Room 11 comes with two shower and toilet, Upstairs and downstairs.

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We brought a lot of board games there.


I entertained the kids with my board games.  While mommy takes turn do massage some place else.  There are 3-4 masseurs.  So, they have to take turn to do massage.  Heard it is very good.

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Other Activities

There are sands every where, you can play all day.  But please remind the kids not to kick or throw the sands into other people eyes.  It will get messy and hurt in the eyes.

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Hang out and play by the beach is one great thing.  Relax there.


Do some skin diving to sea the fish.


Do a Star float in the sea.


Kids not comfortable swimming must wear life jacket.


Teach the kids all kind of sports.  Like beach volleyball.


Two old man… Vs….


Vs… all the kids...


Some really eager to learn.


Some just try to hit the ball.


And you really need a lot of kids to play volleyball.


Don’t forget to bring torch light.  They love huge bright torch light.

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A walkie talkie comes very handy.  You may bring some work too.

GOOD NEWS!  Nikoi island now has full WiFi Coverage in all the rooms.

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Feel good to slam dunk?  Yes!  Basketball.

Bad News!  The Fire Fox at the kids club is under repair.  They need to find a drifted big wood to report the post.

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The most fun comes from uncle Thomas and uncle Yogi hand made these arrows and bows.  And bazooka, and swords, and cross bow, etc.  The kids love it!  So dangerous, so violent, but they love it.  Bo pian.

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How about surf board canoe.  Rusdi doing very well.


Time to stand.


Eh?  Where he go?


This is how it suppose to be done!

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She also fell.


Everyone wants to sit in canoe.


Looks really fun!


Really fun!


Then they really learn that it is not an easy sport.

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Must row with style.


When the news of turtle hatching … all canoes are waiting to bring back those who cannot swim… Some who can swim just jump into water… Some hanging behind the canoe take a lift back.


Giant trampoline in the sea.  Is where you go to jump jump jump.






I jumped… and fly… in style...

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She tries to follow… to fly… follower...


I fall...


She lands in style.


Jay jump.


Brayden jump.


Happy bunch of kids...


Gwen jump...

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Jayden tries to jump...


Here comes all the mommies...

Heny jump...


Boon jump...


Alicia jump… tries to...


Cheryl jump...


Esther jump...


Angeline beh tahan, swim over here...


And Angeline jumps...


Kids fishing...

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let it go...


Caught the fish place here.


Then, let it go.


Put them back to sea.


Nice lawn to play almost everything.  baseball.

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We even completed a 9-hole very challenging golf.  

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Bye Bye

Time to say good bye to Nikoi Island.

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Bye Nikoi Island.  We love you!

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Bye bye Nikoi.

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Bye Bye.

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Bye Bye.

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Bye Bye…. See you next time...

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I love this photo from Chester, our photographer, and Conrad’s daddy.  Nice… And by bye Nikoi Island!

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Previously, I blogged about Nikoi Island.

Nikoi Island and its Night Sky.

We accidentally brought back 2 hermit crabs.  And we asked miss Joy to bring it back to Yogi on her wedding day.

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