Happy Teacher's Day!

          After attending a great Teacher's day celebration at my institute, I'm inspired to write about all those teachers who shaped the person I am today. But, before that I'd like to share some of the day's events. Firstly, groups of 4 students were asked to teach under-graduate students. So my group included Kripali, Pranav and Santosh. It was quite weird and unnatural at first. Soon it became fun and interesting. The tension of presenting was much lower as we had a friendly atmosphere going on. We ended up playing a few games. Some talented students sung, danced and performed in the classroom. It was a memorable experience. Later, everyone assembled in the auditorium. Everything was under control because of our class representative Sukanksha. It was filled with enthusiastic students as well as teachers. The show was hosted brilliantly by my friends, Abhijeet and Omkar. There were some great performances. The faculty were well appreciated. It ended with tree plantation by teachers. Overall, I enjoyed the event. Some of my friends made it funnier and more appealing than it sounded. Post event, my group presented our teachers with huge bouquets. All of them were joyous at this sweet gesture. I'm glad that I have such inspiring teachers and amazing friends. To sum it up, I'm super happy about everything.

          I think that every person we meet in our life impacts us in some way or the other. We learn from every person even if they have a minuscule effect on our life. In that sense, everyone is a teacher. Be it the shopkeeper or friends or parents or ourselves. There's always something to learn. There's always at least one tiny thing that enlightens us. That ability to learn something unique from each individual is incredible. And that's what makes this day so amazing. People usually wish their teachers or parents, which is primary. But, when we visit the lands of strangeness, friendships and relatedness, we're all teachers to each other. Right from relationship advice to shopping hacks to spiritual tales, we're always giving and receiving knowledge. Today, I learnt to be happy no matter the odds. I learnt how to laugh at silly things instead of dismissing them as immature. I learnt how one individual has a number of sides and maybe it's impossible to know them all which is okay. I learnt that some times you just belong with people despite the differences, habits and behaviors. Something clicks and there's a new thing you learn. So today, on the occasion of 'Teacher's Day', I'd like to thank every single person who has taught me and enriched my life.
Happy Teacher's Day!

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