Xiaomi Mini TVBox 小米小盒子 with Mibox MIUI 1.3.83 or 1.3.98 - How to Install Shafa Market 沙发管家

Date:  Sep 24, 2015

This blog post is for advanced users.

If you bought an original Xiaomi Mini TVBox that is factory dated 2015.06 (June 2015).  It will comes with MIUI 1.3.83.  This is a new version of the operating system that prevent you from installing third party APK/APP files such as Shafa Market (沙发管家) Apk.

You should already know the following before you start this.

1. What is Xiaomi TV Box.

2.  What is Xiaomi TV Mini Box.

3.  The reason why Xiaomi Mini Box does not come with USB port.  Yeap, there is no USB for you to plug your thumb drive.  So, you cannot install 3rd party APK files.

4.  What is Shafa Market.  Because you can install lots of fantastic apps from here.  And you can do remote installation from a PC too.

5.  You should know how to run a NAS or sharing a directory from your Windows or Mac.  Just copies the APK files onto this shared directory.

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You cannot blame Xiaomi removing this and that.  That is because the Chinese  government really wanted to control what apps you can install on to the Big Screen TV.  So, that is why they come up with so much restrictions to prevent all these TV content providers to make sure they comply to the government rules.

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But luckily, there is always a “backdoor” or way that we still can do this.

First thing, make sure that you allow to install 3rd party apps.  But going to the security settings.  The ADB does not work anymore.  

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You might see this.  Try not to upgrade.  If possible.

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I have tested both version 1.3.83 and version 1.3.98.  Both works.

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As you notice, starting 1.3.83, there is no 快捷安装 (Remote installation) any more.  So, don’t waste 

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Luckily, we still have the 高清播放器 (Media Player).  This is the stock media player that comes with Xiaomi.  It is a very power media player.  And they have done the network file sharing properly and can search all the network drives available on your network.

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So, when you run it, go to 设备 (facilities).  You will see all your network drive.  I saw both my Synology NAS.  I saw my son’s Windows PC.  I saw my iMac shared drive too.

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For those who does not know what to do.  Go learn how to enable “File Sharing” on your iMac.  Or google it.

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Double click on the network drive.

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Usually you will need to key in the user name and password to access the network drive.

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And you are in.  For the example, I went into my Synology drive as I already have a folder that has all the APK in it.

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And there you go.  You know what to do next.  Click and install.

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As simple as that.

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