Simple Secrets : Fom Newbie become "PRO" Table Tennis Player in 1 month

                The first thing before we learn how to  become pro ping pong player in 4 weeks daily play @1.5 hours, is the rules of ping pong and the predicate / skill that we have to remember to learn from here.
Basic Skills :  
1.       Serve :the first ball  hit that begin the match
2.       Return : return the ball without adding any spin
3.       Top Spin : spin forward the ball
4.       Chop / backspin : spin backward the ball
5.       Smash : hit the ball hard and fast
6.       Block : return any smash / spin that added to the ball without spin it back
7.       Side spin : spin the ball from right to the left or conversely (bat is under the ball)
8.       Slice spin : spin the ball from left to the right or conversely (bat is beside the ball)\
     Number 3, 4, 7, & 8 are often become a good serve, look at this  video It s short video that contains chop, slice, and side spin serves.  Make sure to learn and master those 8 basics to improve your skills. Then you can go to the strategy section.

1.Deflection and heating

     First of all, make sure to do a heating and deflection to your hand every time you begin to play or training. Because the secret to master any spin skills is how deflect is your hand. That’s why almost all pro players wipe their hand to the table after doing a long rally

2.       Return heavy speed but light spin serves
If you find opponents that often use speed serve, and their serve placements are good (it goes to right or left side), the secret to return this  serves is : stand your body forward about ½ meter from the table, focus on the opponent hand and serve direction (right or left). Try to make the angel of your bat is rather than 180%  / the surface rather facing to very little down to make it easier to control. If you can, it s better to return to your backhand opponent side or forehand if your opponent has weaker forehand side than backhand

3.         Return heavy speed and spin serves

      The 2nd  serve is rather different than the 1st , but it s almost same. The difference only located to the angle facing bat. If you opponents serve the fast top spin, so the angle must face further down than above.  If your enemy do a chop fast serve, so  return with chop too, but with gently and fast. And the face direction is like the 3rd picture. Just move your hand forward and do not spin the ball except with your deflected hand. If your hand is not deflected enough, it will touch net when you spin. So just move forward hand

4.        Return slice / side spin serve

      This one is the hardest serve. Many players only return back this serve without spin it. So the ball will get the spin impact. If your opponents use sidespin serve from left to the right spin so the ball will rotated by the spin. If you ONLY return it, the ball will not placed correctly, it will go to your left side / your right opponents side. It may become out. Or at slice spin, it will float. The best solution is, you must face the bat almost facing the up side like picture, then make back spin from that direction. It will mute the spin impact and you can place it correctly as your own. But it s still better to hit back to your weak opponent side, right or left

5.        How to smash any spined ball ?

    About this smash, you have to have confidence tosmash the spinned ball + little think of your brain. Because there are theory about it, smash it against the spin direction. If your opponents use top spin, so use top spin on smash. If he use backspin, smash it wit back spin too. If he use die spin from right to left side direction, so smash with left to right direction too. Have you understood ? If the ball is getting lower, so add the spim direction, t will lift the ball up and add the speed

6. How to Block Smash ?

    The last is Blocking. If it s possible, smash back your opponents smash, thats easier than blocking it, cause yo dont effense your opponens. But, if your opponent's smash go to the hard direction, so the only answer is block / return it. The secret to block it is only use your heart when block it. Then try to return to hard palce like corner / side line.

The most important secret you have to focus on ping pong match there s 3, thats all are speed, spin, and placement. Thats the key to win it. place to your opponents weak side, spin to your opponent s hard to return, and add your ball speed when your opponent s is confused. thats way you can win the match. thx for reading my article ;)

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