Garden Notes - Aquaponics

Date:  Dec 28, 2015

I always love the movie “Water World”.  I really believe one day, earth will be covered by water.  By then, humans have to learn how to survive in water, but they also need to know how to grow plants with water.  hahahaha

Welcome to the world of Aquaponics.

IMG 8140

How it works?

Simply type the word “Aquaponics” in Google, and you will get tons of information.   

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In summary, you grow fish in a tank and the water is cycled thru the plants and back to the fish tank.  That’s it.

It is an eco-system.

So, when you have fish in the tank, why not grow your food with it.

That’s the whole ideal about Aquaponics.

Aquaponics diagram 6

We have a garden to grown our food downstairs.

IMG 1882

These are real organic food harvested from our plot of farm land.

IMG 8146

Back in October we test drive the Aquaponics with our small fish tank.

IMG 2586

With proper lighting, the veggies grew pretty fast on the small fish tank.


Once, the Aquaponics concepts is proven.

Of course, you will need to select your design.  My wife selected this design.  

Aquaponics nutritient film technique

This is the system you need.

IMG 8148

Of course, where you get these?  From Taobao.  We usually write to Amy, and ask her to buy for us.  (I don’t sell these, so, please do not write to me ask me to buy, you can easily buy from Taobao yourself nowadays or you can ask any buying agent to buy for you.  For me, I have been using Amy’s services for years.)

You will need the pipes.  It is less than $50 for the systems. (not inclusive of shipping)

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You need pump.

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You need to cups to placed in the pipes.  So that water can run thru it.

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You will need the foam cups.  To be placed within the cups in the pipes.

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You will need seeds too.


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This is how the setup looks like.  

IMG 8130

We placed it at our balcony.  As you can see, there are lightings from the natural balcony.  But I think my wife will be installing some LED growing lights very soon.

IMG 8145

A strong pump to pump the water up to the pipes, and water will flow down from the pipes and goes back into the fish tank.

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So, you have some fish in the fish tank.  They will survive.

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This is the plants grown in the foam.

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This is how they grow.

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They are ready to be transferred to the cup.

IMG 8154

Squeeze the form into the cup.  These are 小白菜 I think.

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Place the cup with the plant into the pipes.

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The cup sits nicely onto the pipes and water flow thru below.

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There you go.  Water Crest veggies.  西洋菜

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Quite cool ya!  HaHa… we growing tomato too.

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Altogether, we have 3 rows 3 levels and a total of 81 holes for you to grow the aquaponics plants.

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Oh ya, we have incubators too.  This is where you grow from seeds to plants.

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The growing LED lights.

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The incubator foam.

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Or you can use this if you wish.

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These are the growing LED lights.  Very cool.  And the seeds really grow fast on this.

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Wait a minute… Lego?

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Yes, Kay Kay build a tower with a holding pad to house the lights firmly.

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Let’s see what we have here.  Hi, tiny little plants.

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You grew a bit bigger, we will transfer you to the aquaponics home ya.  

Then, we eat you.  hahahahaha

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That is our Aquaponics set up.

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