Miss you, Granny. (Monday Moments #69)

          It was a sad time for the family. It had been half a year since grandmother's death. Everyone knew that but couldn't quite accept it. Time moves really fast. It seemed just yesterday that she was sitting among them laughing off with some of her age-old tales. Her son remembered the many times her mother cooked for his friends. How he missed her cooking! It really had a taste of her sweetness. Her daughter remembered how hard it was for her when she married and had to leave. There were tears in her eyes, then and now. She knew her mother couldn't live without her daughter. For her mother, she was still a little girl who was trying to ride a bicycle. Her daughter-in-law remembered how kind she was to her. She taught her how to cook, how to raise kids and how to do it all while doing a job. She always had her support in everything. Her grand kids remembered the infinite stories she told them every night. They had trouble sleeping at night after she passed away. They would ask, "Where is granny? We can't sleep. The monsters will not go unless granny gives us magic." It was difficult for all of them.
It was an evening. All of them were back from office and school. It was their evening talk tradition. They talked about her. And they didn't cry but shed some happy tears to remember all her happy moments. They didn't talk about her last days. They talked about how helpful, caring, kind, compassionate and lovely she was. That was a moment the family united to remember the person who started the tradition.

(‘Monday Moments’ is a blog series wherein I write about an incident or a moment in a short paragraph. It’s not a story, but just a short description to express and explore the most common joys and also the uncommon miseries.)

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