First sake

My thighs, core and arm muscles hurt. Thanks coach, I still do appreciate you HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA.

I don't understand. Everytime I go for a night out, I don't sleep perfectly until a normal time to wake. I woke at three something! Thirst for water and my fucking jug ran out so I had to go downstairs and refill it. Zzzzzzzz I'm sed.


Had loads of sake yesterday. Tbh not that much la. But just.. duno, I seriously tried to count but it was hard when they started refilling it when I just drank half the small glass.

Suddenly I thought the barrier between me and sashimi was gone. Sadly I had diarrhea. My stomach doesn't appreciate that I guess.

Made a new friend, emikko. Such a cute name. Even better, I guessed her age correct at first try! 😎😎😎😄 Satisfaction.

I think it was cool when someone fetching me wore the same colour shirt as I do. We had a shirt coincidence thing, I think. Even when we badminton. Who wears red with black short sleeves? It's rare!

I love hebe.

Ok shits getting random I should go to sleep.

He still forgot to text me when he got home ughhh. What are pinky swears, tell me about it. Hahaha.



I'm so excited for the gym date with shell and stomata this fri. Wooooooo

Fuck I'm craving for green tea. Oh I had so much green tea too just now. It was crazy. the same bunch of psychs were so freaking noisy, they sang happy birthday for..... Five times? And ck got a free red velvet slice from neighboring table. Lel.

Can you believe it? A Japanese buffet with bottomless sake,,, ran out of sake at the end!!!! So they took tiger beer instead. Jugs of that.

One good thing abt sake was..   IT'S HOT. And I think it makes me sweat so much omg. It wasn't me. It wasn't me.

Ok staahp.

Nite. life is fun.

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