Getting Tired is Good.

          I remember the past 3 months of holidays. I used to wake up late, watch TV for hours, read for more hours, write about many things, eat and then if possible sleep at 3 am. After my tenth standard board exams, this was the most relaxing summer vacation. The way I rested this time I thought I've taken my lifetime's rest. But it doesn't work that way. Now as I've begun college, I'm so busy. I get up at 7 am, read newspaper, exercise, revise notes then go to college. And there's no fixed time when I'll return home. Because of the recent assignments, all of us stay back and work on them. And actually I have fun with the 'post-college-staying-in-college' thing. I always used to rush home when the bell rang but it's not like that anymore. In fact, I'm bored to go home because I really enjoy the company of my friends and classmates. But when I reach home, the wave of tiredness hits. It's not like I'm not tired at college. I definitely am, but it just somehow gets overlooked. And when I'm home in my protective shell, it all resurfaces and I'm like, I could sleep standing up!

          This kind of tiredness gives me a feeling that I'm working. It gives me a feeling that I'm not just doing nonsensical work. It feels like something I've earned. And it's good. Even though, I'm exhausted, that feeling is good. It's like a proof that I have worked hard enough. And that fact gives me happiness.

          Have you experienced this? At times, it totally sucks to be that tired and still finish all the chores. But then you lie on your bed. You fall asleep in the next few seconds. And that's priceless. Instead of tossing and turning in bed, you sleep in a matter of seconds. That's another reward which hard work gives us.

          I just enjoy working in a team which I never thought was possible. I enjoy doing extra curricular work which I thought wasn't my area. I get peace in getting tired which I thought was irrational. All those things which seemed impossible are the ones which I'm doing and enjoying as well. And I think that counts for something.

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