Real meaning of patience

Patience is a word we hear very often. When we are having stricken friend, who first said the word "patient". Because God promises that those who always real patient will get happiness.

However, many people who have misinterpreted the word of this patient. According to some people the patient is still with the test at hand. Surrender to God without doing anything.

We should understand that the essence of patience itself is not only silent on what happens to us. Did not God has made it clear that he will only change when the people, a people change their own destiny. Including when we get into trouble.

Abandonment is indeed necessary, but resigned as if it was? That is surrender to God together with our maximum efforts to God.

Some pamaham wrong that silence is just silence without any thing done. We should know that consciously not just sit waiting for God to change our destiny, while none of what we do. Some understanding of patient below may make you more aware of the patient's own.

First, the patient is to suppress emotions and desires. So, when we say patiently but our emotions are still bobbing, it was not a patient. Patience is the suppression of emotions and desires within himself so as not to create things that are not desirable.

Second, the patient is self-control. In terms of patience, we should be able to control ourselves in many ways. Sometimes, we are not controlled because of the negative stimulus from the outside. This is the importance of emotional control or patient itself.

Third, think long. When we are in trouble then have to decide something, should we think long before deciding. This is where the patient occurs. Patience does not mean surrender to circumstances, but our patience is a real action in accepting the terms of God by thinking in deciding something.

Fourth, forgive. Patience means to forgive the mistakes of others. This life will never be separated from an error. Sometimes, mistakes someone makes us hurt would be difficult to undo. This is where God tests our patience level. Do we want to forgive him or still hate it. []

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