How To Make Ice Cream?
Date: Dec 18, 2015
Do you know how to make Ice Cream?
With two aluminium bowl, milk, cream, sugar and salt.
After this trip, I finally knew.
This is where we learned how to make Ice Cream. Hokkaido Ice Cream is really good. This is gelato type of Ice Cream.
We have been here last year. We have our wonderful Ice Cream here.
It is nice to re-visit this place.
When we came here last year, we only buy the ice cream and sit at the barn there and watch the cow and Mt. Yotei.
We didn’t know there is a short course teaching you how to make Ice Cream.
Thanks to the private tour agency and the tour guide who brought us here to experience something that is different.
Wow, this girl looks like 广末凉子.
When she is teaching, every one watch. The lady in the middle is Tomoko-san our private tour guide.
It is nice to have a tour guide who speaks perfect English.
I pity the next table, whom I believe the family is from Malaysia, they too have a private tour guide, but the tour guide was not doing any thing or explaining. As for our Tomoko-san, she explained and translate every sentence the pretty girl is saying so that we know what to do. And luckily for that, the table next door got huge benefit and fun by listening to her explanation in English. :)
Let’s get on to it.
First we need 380cc of Milk. Hokkaido Fresh Milk.
Then, you add 120cc of fresh cream in it. Mix it.
Next, you will need to put 40g of fine sugar and mix everything with a stirrer.
It’s time to stir and mix the milk, cream and sugar together.
And then, the cube ice are placed in another aluminium bowl. This is to cool down the milk plus cream.
And then, you need to place the salt onto the ice. So that it has lesser direct ice to ice frictions and keep the temperature low. I think.
Yup… just put all the salt in it.
Kay can do such a simple task. Put salt onto the ice.
Meanwhile, our ice cream mix is already ready.
Place the milk cream on top of the ice bowl and start spinning.
While spinning, scrap the ice cream off the bowl.
Then, scrap more ice cream of the bowl. keep spinning.
Your ice cream is almost done.
This is how cold the bowl can be. Very cold.
And it is done!
A few more spin. And it is completely done. Our first home made ice cream by hand.
Now she teaches us how to make the waffle.
Place the Ice Cream on it. Yummy.
And our successful home made ice cream.
Of course, kids learned and have lots of fun!
Time to say good bye.
See you next year.
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