Fucked bio trials

I knew I fucked up bio P4. But I didn't know I fucked it that bad.... Yh what happened to you? It's your strongest subject. If this fails, everything else fails.

Good thing is, now it's confirmed that EVERY toxic is discarded so far, so I'm completely concentrating just on A2. No more human issues. Yh be good.

It was really bad. Yeah... But it's okay yh. There's some time left.

I can't believe I approx 30 pages of bio, and SO MANY THINGS came out from that fucking chapter!!!!! I can't believe this.

Okay. It's just trials, I won't skip that chapter for A2. Fuck everything, From now on, no more sleeping like a fucked up pig. 

I'm sorry for having an attitude. I can't help myself. I felt like I'm in a rush, so stop interrupting me. 

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