How to Deal with the Effect of Acne on Self Esteem

Having acne can feel like wearing your deepest insecurities right on your face, the most exposed part of your body. If your acne is affecting how you feel about yourself, spend some time identifying your thoughts and feelings related to acne and how they impact you. Have compassion for yourself and recognize that you are not alone in having flaws or being human. Treat your acne by seeing a dermatologist and taking care of yourself. Finally, get support from friends and communities to help you feel better about yourself.


EditImproving Your Thoughts and Self-Esteem

  1. Silence your inner critic. Often, the harshest critic comes from within. If you talk to yourself in an unkind way, talk back. For example, a voice that says, “Nobody will want to be seen in public with you!” can be replaced with, “I hope the people I hang out with aren’t only my friends because of how I look. They are good friends who shouldn’t care about my acne.”[1]
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    • If the voice says, “That person turned you down because of your acne,” say back, “Rejection hurts, but it’s a normal part of being human. If this is true, then that person is silly for being so judgmental.”
  2. Have compassion for yourself. If your best friend felt embarrassed or down because of acne, what would you say to them? Would you make fun of them or let them know that you cared? Be kind to yourself. Imagine if your friend came to you with their own insecurities about acne. What would you say?[2]
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    • Instead of saying, “Poor me” or, “I’m less deserving of things because of how I feel about myself,” say, “Everyone struggles with things that make them feel vulnerable or insecure.”
  3. Recognize your humanness. There has yet to be a perfect human who is flawless in their looks and actions. Every person has shortcomings and you are not separate from that! Being human means having flaws. Instead of feeling separate from others because of your acne, recognize that you are not the only person who struggles with skin issues or problems related to your appearance.[3]
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    • Remembering that even the most put-together person has struggles and flaws can help you recognize that you’re never alone or beneath anyone.
  4. Raise your confidence in other areas. If you feel low about yourself due to your skin, find other things to raise your self-esteem. For example, participate in a sports team or activity that you enjoy. You can increase your confidence by trying something new. Attend a dance class, go to yoga, or give meditation a shot. You can feel accomplished in trying something new and begin to build skills to improve your self-esteem.[4]
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    • For example, learn to ice skate. While it might be scary at first, you can make new friends and build your skills each week.
  5. Use mindfulness. People often want to turn away or avoid things that make them uncomfortable. You might not want to acknowledge how acne makes you feel or the suffering it causes you. Yet, reflect on the feelings you experience that relate to acne. Do you struggle to look at yourself in the mirror? Do you fear meeting new people and whether they will judge you based on your acne? Acknowledge the pain it causes you in order to more fully have compassion for yourself.[5]
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    • Acknowledging the way you feel about your acne will likely be unpleasant or uncomfortable. However, accepting how it affects you can help you be kinder to yourself.
  6. Identify other self-esteem triggers. It’s unlikely that your acne is the only trigger of low self-esteem. What are other events that make you feel low? Are you particularly sensitive to how people talk to you or look at you? Do you take failure very personally? Work on identifying and raising your self-esteem in other areas outside of your skin.[6]
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    • For example, if someone gives you feedback about a project, do you think they’re being critical of you, or attacking you in some way? Recognize that people’s comments may not be a personal attack on you.
  7. Recognize that you’re not alone. When you feel different from others, it can make you feel alone or isolated from others. If you look at your friends and notice that you have the worst acne, you might start to feel less-than them or self-conscious because of this difference. If you feel isolated because of your acne, remember that lots of other people have acne, too. Even if you feel alone, you are not alone.[7]
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    • Some people struggle with acne in an emotional and social way while others don’t. Notice others who have acne yet don’t let it bother them.
    • If you’re scared to meet people or talk to people because of your acne, face your fears. Put yourself in social situations and notice that they almost always go well.[8]

EditCoping with Your Acne

  1. Treat acne at home. There are lots of acne solutions you can buy at your local pharmacy and use at home. You may start with a face wash product to target your skin type, which may be oily, dry, or a combination of both. Use a spot treatment for targeting individual breakouts. Generally, over-the-counter products to treat acne include benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. They are often gels or creams that you apply directly to the spots.[9]
    • These treatments may make your face especially dry at first, so adjust how much you use or include a moisturizer in your daily face care routine.
    • While lots of treatment options exist, they may not all work for you. Be patient when trying out new formulas and products. Most at-home treatments take 4-8 weeks to show improvement.
  2. Get medical treatment. One of the best ways to clear the effects of acne is to treat the acne. Especially if you’ve used all the natural remedies and over-the-counter treatments, it might be time to see a specialist. A dermatologist can assess the severity of your acne as well as potential causes and treatments. Although, you may need to be patient: many treatments can take up to eight weeks to take full effect.[10]
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    • Depending on your insurance, you may need a referral from your general provider to see a dermatologist.
  3. Cover up. Some people choose to hide their acne or the redness on their face with makeup. When choosing a cover-up, make sure it says “noncomedogenic” on the label, which means that it won’t clog your pores. Be careful of any products that go on your face and make sure they are not irritating your skin or making the acne worse. Write down a list of products you use and bring them to your dermatologist to ask if they are safe.[11] Also, touch your face as little as possible during the day to keep oils down.
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    • Use oil-free and water-based products. You might cover up your acne with moisturizers, sunscreen, or tinted ointment.
  4. Talk about it. Having acne isn’t like having the plague: it’s likely other people your age have it, too. Don’t be afraid to bring it up or talk about it with your friends. You might share advice or recommend products to help. Talking about your acne can be a way of bringing people together and solving a problem you’re all having.[12]
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    • For example, you can say to your friend, “I have a zit that just won’t go away! Does that ever happen to you?”
  5. Take care of yourself. While problems with your skin and how they affect you can feel like the center of your life, don’t forget to take care of yourself. Take care of your whole body, your emotions, and your mind, not just your face. Take care of your body by eating well, exercising, and getting adequate sleep each night. Do something relaxing to help you deal with anxieties and stress.[13]
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    • Have a healthy way to let go of stress. Try taking a daily walk, going for a run, journaling, or painting.

EditGetting Support from Others

  1. See a supportive physician. Whether you see a dermatologist or primary care physician, it’s important that you feel supported by them. See someone who is kind and sympathetic. Your physician should listen to you and respond to your concerns. Because acne affects not only your skin but also your emotions and social interactions, your physician should be willing to discuss the total impacts of acne with you.[14]
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    • If you don’t feel supported by your physician, consider changing to someone who makes you feel heard and understood.
  2. Join a support group community. Join a support group for people who have acne and struggle with self-esteem. You can likely find an in-person support group in your community for people struggling with self-esteem problems, and you can find a more specific group for people who struggle with the effects of acne. Joining with other people can help you feel less alone and more supported.[15]
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    • Ask for advice, share your story and listen to other people’s stories. Meeting other people who have similar struggles to your own can be comforting and relieving.
    • Find a support group in your community by calling your local mental health clinic or hospital. If you can’t find a community support group, join an online support group or forum.
  3. Talk to family and friends. If you need to talk, ask someone for some time to vent or talk about how you feel. Let them know you feel insecure because of your acne. Find someone who is a good listener and who will support you, not cut you down or make fun of you. You might want advice or not want advice, so you can tell them ahead of time whether you want some help or you just want them to listen.[16]
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    • Consider the people in your life who are trustworthy and supportive. You might not want to go to somebody who often playfully pokes fun at you or does not take you seriously.
    • Think of someone who cares about you and wants to support you through your difficulties. Ask them, “Can I talk to you? I’m struggling with how I feel about myself.”
  4. See a therapist. If you feel like your acne affects your self-esteem in a way that you don’t know how to move forward, a therapist can help. Therapy is a safe place where you can talk about your feelings without feeling judged or criticized. Your therapist can help you identify triggers and build coping skills to improve your self-esteem.[17]
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    • Find a therapist by calling your insurance provider or local mental health clinic. You can also get a recommendation from a physician or friend.

EditSources and Citations

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source How to of the Day

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