Hype overload

I'm fluttering. Ok It's such a happy day today I'm gonna write all of it here. Where do I start? 

First I wanna say I was having exams from Monday until today(weds). My form was better the last two days, cuz I really worked harder. But today I did badly. IT WAS MATH. But I still left the exam room happily, excited for everything coming up.

Coach's event turned out to be a huge selangor event, he was just in charge of part of the games. I went there late. He says "be there at 8.45" which is exactly the time of math exam. So yeah I got there 2 hours late, BY CAR. I actually made a wrong turn and added so extra miles to drive.. then parking was crazy, so I parked outside the damn mall. My job was again, running around to capture photos. Nice. Arrogant was there too, and his bro. Life's good, my coughs aren't gone yet but at least No fever yey. Capturing job was ok, until it started to rain. Remember what happened after getting just slightly wet ? Fucking hell. My job was so simple. And chill, meanwhile free fleet Tshirt, isotonic beverages, free lunch and choice for anything from J.co. Coach is such a generous person. It ain't cheap. Then finally, we actually had time to chit chat. Lmao. Arrogant hasn't applied for anything yet!! This lazy ass. Not even a student, so he's "unemployed"! Still thankful they sent me to my car so I can avoid running under the rain like a fucktard with my greentea latte.

Home is sleep. Sleep is love, even if it means, sleeping for 20mins. I did fell asleep. Still tired. And excited. Excited for tonight's badminton. I thought, next week would be so tough, I wouldn't have much time for badminton so I have to play more this week. And yeah.

"I heard you threw up in your room"
Who said that! My god.
Badminton is love, badminton is everything. I drove again! Happily. I actually don't hate driving, I just hate other cars driving with me HAHAAHAH. It was cool that this girl came. I can't believe it, we had a great conversation the last time I saw her, even tho I only met her once, and I totally forgotten about her! Let's just call her Cinnamon. It's sweet and nutritional, totally accurate. Couldn't remember her at first, but her second "first impression" I had towards her was "hey she can play. She can tap!" THEEENNNN only I remember the conversation and everything. She remembered me! Oh gosh. Oh gosh. I'm so terrible. Anyways the boys went crazy over her. The boysssss. Are always crazy. All is well, so many people, three hours badminton! Moon's squad, ET's regular weds squad was there.

There are few really cool things that happened. I think. First I probably had great form. Second I probably had great mood. I was hyped AF. Im happiness overloaded, that's why I gotta blog now. Third lcw texted me. For such a long time not contacting, it was great to be catching up. I couldn't believe myself for giving him this much updates, and him drowning in a huge issue. First time it was me who was giving him advices. Another thing, damn, I told medic about the past six days, all the signs and symptoms, he said "I'll write you a prescription later." Then he really did! It was so wow. Cool AF. Doctor's writings but readable, wow.... Thank you! He wrote my full name, IC num, dear pharmacist...... "Do you want cheap or expensive ones?" Awww. I'll remember one thing you said. "Alcohol kills germs, it's okay to drink when sick" Lmao. I love that. Today's form proved the huge difference in performance of having human amount of sleep. Some drops weren't good, but majority it was ok.

Speeding is awesome. Sarawak mee is awesome.

I think after so long, some parts of me aren't the same anymore. I remember I used to really hate everyone who smokes. Maybe I've been exposing to too much passive smoke, I'm fucking immune! It's gonna happen when both the people left and right side smoke crazily.

Boys, are gonna talk about three things all the time. GAMING, drinking and GIRLS. THE FUCK. I think I definitely smh all the time when it comes to girls. The rest, I try to understand the Cantonese. They say 21yo is definitely the craziest day everyone get drunk, but maybe I would be slightly harder cuz they training me up to drink. Lol. ET Loong when are you coming over for dinner? "Tell your parents, ET and Loong is actually 20 over people! Hahaha" I think I'm over hyped.

I hope nothing goes wrong. I mean. Yeah we have pretty huge age difference, but I don't really wanna cut off contact. I hope they stay young and healthy and crazy forever. I hope I don't ever get drunk anymore so I won't risk this thing.

Because I don't used to be excited over things. I don't used to speak this way outside, not to 38gang or my classmates. Actually they all are so fucking awesome. I mean including my coursemates. Know what did orange do? She called me because she was worried I couldn't wake up! That is the most fucking not self centered thing ever, and class rep dislikes her? No sense! I'm touch AF again and again for the week.

I'm deadly living too happily. Aahhhhhh.
Let's work hard for next week's paper so I can get well and PARTY. Loving life!

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