Badminton 2 rounds?

I didn't expected myself to be playing badminton today. I was so lazy. Honestly. At the very last moment, when flare invited, I'm like... I'm so lazy. Even when cinnamon invited, I literally said nah not going. At the end, I went for both! Ffs.

It's a long day I think. I accidentally woke late. Yes it was an accident. Proud to say, I did studied, did like a tiny bit of math investigation, then off I went, out! For the antibiotics doctor prescribed for me, and literally for pokestops. Caught too many until my capacity went full lol.
All is well. Antibiotics are expensive. The pharmacist said, "It's always the best when doctor had it all written down. One after breakfast, one after dinner, its gonna cause some discomfort." And he took the paper. I was hoping I could keep it for no damn reason.

I drove to CE's condo! And parked a spot close to the lift. Yey Im proud of myself! They were so so late. Next time I'd reach half an hour after the time stated. Anyways everyone was so soft. Even flare, I mean. Hmm. We played 1v1. AND I BEAT HIM. I'm hapi. Five points ahead. CE was damn exhausted today, no idea why.

After that, I kinda went to join Cinnamon's squad for badminton. So randomly, ET, Sweat and moon was there. I was around half an hour late from CE's condo. Wow I didn't break extra extra clothes for that so.... Fuck. All is well cuz I wore the same damn shirt till the end. PARKING was scary AF!!!!!! I droved around the court to look for a spot, then followed this guy to his spot and took that. Meanwhile, there was a car behind me, patiently waiting for me. Thank you for not honking! The world needs more drivers like you! I probably parked okay, and... Yeah. Badminton is love. But at halfway, I got really tired. Still, I guess it's worth it. Badminton's always worth it.

We actually had supper after that, at Ming Tien. Oh gosh I'm so proud of myself today! Two side parkings by myself, AT NIGHT! No problems caused! I love me. Yes. Yay. It was a great spot. Very close to where they sat.

I wasn't expecting to see Loong, gold and pan today. ET claimed the two as my "husbands". Wow. Okay. Lol. At least they're nice peeps. Very cooperatively, hahahaha it was cray. I like seeing how the boys have their discussion about the girls after they left. It was funny AF. And they were planning to eat super spicy Taiwan sausages, luckily they ran out of sausages. It's unhealthy to eat too spicy. Crazy guys.

"Did you drink this week?"
"Nope.... But I did last Fri"
"I know that, and you threw up" *smirks*
Oh gosh why! Don't pass it around man. This ET. It's embarrassing. It's crazy. Then they say, no it's not embarrassing. Cuz they throw up all the time lol. (Really!?) ....

"Yh you threw up before already?"
"It's the first and the last time ok"
"Everyone says that!"  No ._. not everyone throws up in their fucking room at the door. ....

Hmph. I left when I get my sister's supper. This fat ass hungry pig.

I think today was tiring.

"I literally went for two rounds badminton"
"Where do you get all that energy?"
Meanwhile, I was eating chicken chop, as mt dinner!!!!!!! At that hour. I can't believe my stomach made it! Im proud of you, stomach!


Today everyone was awesome. My grandma told my sister to rescue this kitten. I knew something was happening! There were meowing sounds for like three days. It's a sad hungry kitty. So my sister saved that lil guy. Ngaw.

Then... Gold was friendlier today, duno why. Hmm. He's nice. He has extremely cold jokes. I couldn't even laugh getting it. Then I couldn't understand much of their canto. it's so.... Fast... I understand the back but I don't know what they first said. It was hard to catch. I think I should work on that.

Flare was unusual these few days. From the last time he texted me, he was already slightly unusual. And today, more.... Why?

Sometimes the little voice tells me to don't overthink details, because it's all made up from our own shitty imaginative mind. But...

Usually when I sense things, it's always accurate....

Weird AF.

Tomorrow's gonna be a nice day.

Yes. As long as I allow it to be.

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