APU friendly match

I think there's something wrong with me. It happened again.

What do people think when they don't tap in chats? Do you wish to continue the conversation tomorrow? Or... You're just bored of this person already? I thought both, I did that for only these two reasons, how about others?

Friendly match with APU. It was crazy tiring. Maybe because I slept too late and had insomnia in the middle. Have you ever get so so tired but you can't sleep, you toss and turn but you just can't sleep. And when you did, it feels like five minutes later your alarm just felt like breaking your dreams apart, making you exhausted to death. It sounds like it's mocking you, Ha, next time do not read a book past midnight cuz YOU WILL NOT STOP.

I played about four games, excluding the last three rounds with our own club members. Only won one. It was pretty good, everything. That's because I partnered sukma girl. Damn, she's so cool. Idol. We did ok. There was a few chances I get to smash. And I did. Sometimes, opponent couldn't take them, sometimes, they took them but sukma girl did a continual kill, and it was wow. Three serving mistakes, I can't believe myself. One day I'm gonna stand there and do 100 servings by my own, and make sure it all gets tru.

It's tiring, but I'm mentally hyped. My sister says I'm flirty. Am I? She hears me speaking on the phone, with anyone. With moon, with pineapple. She said, "You're flirty even to girls." What. The. ACTUAL FUCK. Maybe I sound flirty when I'm hyped? Cuz of all that hype. How do you make yourself less hype? The fuck.

I'm sed because we couldn't join them for lunch in village park. Such nice chicken, and rice, and sambal. All because of the fucking weighing machine. I think, in the future I'd need to bring a weighing maching to my hostel, so I can weigh daily and make sure I keep my weight constant. It's okay. All it well. Village park chicken is unhealthy. It's fat. I'll just make sure the reading goes down, then I will eat. Yas.

I think something's wrong with my entire body. Left ankle. Right knee. Right wrist. It's all not right. It seems like there's no problem, but foot couldn't go certain angles. Right knee was just weird. Wrist even weird. It's not weird during matches, but weird during anything random. Like turning a doorknob, throwing my pillow back to my bed, lifting little things, wearing my pants. It's not right at all. And it's only occasionally weird. I'm getting old.

Today seems like a nice day. So grandpa will be ok. I think. There's no updates, but really, seriously hopefully nothing's gonna happen.

I'm so tired. Moon seems odd these days. Idk what's with him. Haih. 

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